Some platforms support assigning each publication resource its own descriptive metadata and landing page making it possible to cite them independently of the text as a whole. In these cases, if the publisher has the capacity to assign unique persistent identifiers such as valid DOIs, ARK IDs, or handles to each publication resource and to provide this as part of the metadata, this can help maintain connections between the components of a publication and sustain citation links. As an example, consider the case where a video is embedded in an EPUB and it has a caption under it that includes a registered DOI. The DOI points to a page dedicated to the published video. If the publisher no longer has that material, a preservation service may have the option to register the location of its preservation copy with so that the link would point to a new location. If a resource is local to the publication and is not intended to be cited or described independently, then a meaningful caption provides useful context, but creating persistent identifiers isn’t necessary.
These guidelines also relate to the use of identifiers:
17. Use persistent identifiers to link or cite external resources
24. Create descriptive metadata for each publication resource, include identifiers
31. Assign persistent identifiers to significant versions