Guidelines for Preserving New Forms of Scholarship

When using out-of-the-box software solutions for your publishing platform, export and preservation workflows are often designed around the built-in functionality of that software. For this reason, it is helpful to use platform features as intended. If the built-in functionality of the publishing software does not meet local requirements, avoid making undocumented, one-off changes to core code in order to get something working quickly. Instead, attempt to formalize and document any changes to the out-of-the-box software so that the new functionality is reusable in other publications and internally consistent within the platform. If the platform software has a formal process for applying enhancements (e.g. a plugin process), make use of this. Ensure any export processes are modified to align with the local changes and if working with a preservation partner, communicate any local changes to the software. The risk of not following a formal process may be loss of the new features during preservation, updates, or platform migration. An undocumented customization can disrupt the preservation of entire publications.

These other guidelines may be helpful when implementing new features:
3. Use existing standards when implementing features
5. Establish formatting rules for common features
6. Keep preservation partners informed of changes that affect the publications

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