Guidelines for Preserving New Forms of Scholarship

Other guidelines in this publication lay out many aspects of platform technology that could be considered, but in brief, here are some indicators that a platform may have features that facilitate preservation: The platform utilizes appropriate standards relevant to the publishing community e.g. standardized metadata, exports to common formats, accessibility standards. The platform uses established technologies rather than being dependent on newer more experimental technologies that may not be well supported. The platform itself is well established and broadly adopted. There are existing workflows for preservation. The platform has a comprehensive export option that includes all raw materials, dependencies (e.g. fonts), descriptive metadata, and packaging metadata that describe how it all fits together. The export package supports, through completeness and use of standards, a complete migration to a new platform with equivalent features, rather than being closely tied to the current platform. In the absence of an export, the platform includes a predictable structure or API that could facilitate content discovery, enumeration, or harvesting from an external source. Finally, the platform does not have an over-abundance of built-in features that will not be used - these can add bulk and complexity to workflows including for preservation.

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